News and Events

Stay in the loop with Engineers Fiji’s latest happenings! Discover our News and Events page for real-time updates on industry insights, collaborative initiatives, and upcoming gatherings. Explore the dynamic world of engineering as we share our milestones, events, and noteworthy achievements

Event 1 : Engineers Fiji Meeting with Fiji Architects Association

Engage in the intersection of engineering and architectural brilliance! Explore highlights from Engineers Fiji’s recent meeting with the Fiji Architects Association. Stay informed about the collaborative initiatives, insights, and transformative discussions shaping the landscape of design and construction in our dynamic events and news section.

Event 2 : Engineers Fiji Meeting with Insurance Association of Fiji

Dive into the intersection of engineering expertise and risk mitigation at the Engineers Fiji Meeting with the Insurance Association of Fiji. Stay informed on this pivotal event where industry leaders come together to discuss resilient solutions and proactive approaches, forging a path towards a safer and more secure future. Explore the synergy between engineering and insurance for sustainable and resilient outcomes.